thoughts, feelings, ideas
This time of year brings mixed emotions. As a summer girl, I really struggle with the change of seasons, the shortened days and definitely the colder weather. This morning as I was headed to school, I had my seat warmer on for the first time since May. I consider myself resilient and honestly, shifting seasons is as much of an emotional shift as well as a physical one. My resilience has certainly helped me transition, especially this morning.
In the past week, I have had some shifts in my personal life. Relationships that have been shaky have finally cracked wide open and no matter of the outcome, we are all better off for the good and a even a future of a stronger relationship. I had the good fortune to get out of Dodge and went to Vermont for the weekend on a yoga retreat, one that I was a student of, not a teacher. The clean Ayurvedic food, yoga, massage and time in nature truly helped me get back to my purpose, devoting my time and energy to my work. I also had a lot of time to think clearly and make decisions. It was certainly a powerful weekend! This time of year is also the start of the new year on the Jewish calendar, and the beginning of the last quarter of the year. The next 12 weeks are filled with new beginnings, new relationships, new endeavors and also closure. This auspicious time, the time from fall equinox to the end of 2023, is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the year and take action to do anything you set your mind to. I look back on the past year with awe of what I have accomplished and have specific goals for not only the next 12 weeks, but for the next few years. We are our own best cheerleaders. We are our own strength, source of energy and source of love. It has taken a long time to understand this and live it but we only have one life, one opportunity to do all of the things, make some magic and love with abandon. Happy fall <3
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Approaching the end of January has me thinking. Have I met my goals? Have I helped others achieve theirs? As a teacher, I am usually concerned and driven by what I can bring to my students and to the community. Often, this comes before my own desires. As a business owner, I have spent the past year thinking, discovering, crying, laughing and accepting the times that we live in. It is now that I can finally apply my education, knowledge and experience to give to myself. I generally write the innerglow yoga newsletter about what is going on with the studios and the school but this post is simply about me and an update of what is going on with me. There is a lot!
Last March brought much emotion that has caused my deeply rooted anxiety to rise up in a way that I feel that I can't breathe. Yes, I do daily breathing and meditation, but sometimes I need more. Daily walks, sometimes a run, having a very long to do list and daily yoga are the answers for me. Oh, and cooking. Lots of cooking. For those who don't know, I am a professionally trained chef and have worked in various restaurants from the now defunct Mercury Bar as a Garde Manger chef to running my own kitchen at a healthy food store, before healthy food stores were cool. It is here where I have found a compliment to my yoga and meditation practice and truly feel that I am on a clearer path for my life. Goals One of my goals is to continue to teach plant based cooking classes to the community. The pandemic brought an end to the 5 years that I taught at Falmouth Community School but I am beyond excited to announce that I am now on staff at Highfield Hall and Gardens in Falmouth as a Culinary Instructor. I have been literally dreaming of having my own professional kitchen to teach from and here it is. Nourish Your Innerglow, plant based basics and more are coming your way, so be on the lookout for the new schedule coming out in a few weeks. Dharma When I first heard the word dharma, I thought that was for sages and gurus. They earned the quiet path that they walked as I simply accepted my hectic one. As I studied and learned what dharma actually meant, I realized that the experiences, those victorious or ones that created opportunities, were part of my path. I wasn't sure how everything fit together for me until I started my studies in ayurveda. This was the "AH HA!" moment that I had been waiting for. I felt an incredible sense of relief, calm and a weight that lifted. As I keep on my path, I am excited to see what is next! Outcome Through all of the education, work experiences, and self discovery, there was much, much more going on behind the scenes. In future posts, I will focus on experiences in my personal life that really tested my sanity and health and it is with this intention that I will truly live my dharma as a teacher for you to heal. Thanks for reading. I hope you learned a bit more about me and that I am more than the owner of innerglow yoga. and cape cod yoga school :) Feel free to comment or reach out with any comments or questions. With love, Michelle |
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